On Construction Of Harmonious Society And Criminal System Of Composition With Creditors 建设和谐社会与构建刑事和解制度的思考
It discussed the content and characteristics of the system of composition with creditors and the system of reorganization and compared them. 并对破产和解与重整制度及其主要特征作了必要的论述,并对破产和解与重整程序作了必要比较。
The system of composition with creditors of the administrative case remains one of the effective ways to construct the strategic thought of harmonious society and realize the unity of the legal result and social effect. 行政案件协调和解是行政审判领域贯彻构建社会主义和谐社会战略思想、实现行政审判法律效果与社会效果统一的有效手段之一。
The Discussion on Constructing the Systems of Composition with Creditors and the Reorganization of Bankruptcy in China 论我国破产和解与重整制度的构建
On the improvement of system of composition with creditors in civil actions 试论民事诉讼和解制度的完善
The first part of the article reviews the historical background of the system of composition with creditors and the system of reorganization. 本文在第一部分首先对破产和解与重整制度的历史背景作了必要的回顾。
System of composition with creditors ordained by Chinese legislation is over-simple, which has resulted in difficulties in judicial practice. 我国立法关于民事诉讼和解制度的规定过于简单,导致了在司法实践中应用的困难。